Pickleball, striving to keep attendance up 10am Sundays vs late afternoon

Pickleball, striving to keep attendance up 10am Sunday vs late afternoon
For those who can attend worship on Saturdays, would you consider until the calendar opens at the community center? Lutherans and Catholics have Saturday early evening services, but can’t say for the rest.
Dean will keep you abreast as he has been. Also consider recruiting others to join in, especially on Thursday mornings. Baby boomers are good target, as we’ve discovered. Note there are anywhere from 12-18 picklers snowbirding.
Thanks for your contributions to make this endeavor healthy and fun,
PS if any of you know of Gary the dog trainer, would you please forward to him please?
https://richlandpbfed.wordpress.com/ Urge you to add our Federation website to your FAVS, Moody is maintaining that for us.

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