Setup Teamreach for game notifications

We have been researching how to have an easy way to setup the pickleball schedule so that we can have “flash”, i.e., spontaneous games. Dean found the app “TeamReach” to help us with that. Here is how it works:

  • Install TeamReach app on your smartphone (ios or android) or your tablet. You get it from the App store or the Play store.
  • Once you have it installed, join the Richland Pickleball group. Once you have it installed, email us to get the group code. You can use the contact page to email us.
  • At this point you will start getting notifications. You can message back, send messages to anybody(ies) in the group. When a flash game is being set up, you can select if you are going to be available.

As is usual with new technology, we’ll need to work the bugs out. If you have any questions, comments on how to improve this how to, ….., Please let us know. If you need help getting this set up, send us an email and we can set up a time or catch us at one of the games. We here means Dean, Jon, or Moody.

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